Over 30 club members enjoyed an afternoon of fun together at Glenn and Eva Jane Weiler’s home in Wolcott. Mineral collecting stories and other tall tales were swapped and many minerals had to be cleared from the tables to allow for the pot luck dinner to proceed. Thanks to Dave Millis a number of mineral craft activities were available for those interested; wire screens were constructed, rock saws were in action, geodes were opened, and mineral raffles were held. “Barrel” rides were available for folks of all ages.
To see pictures of the event, hit the “continued reading” button
Under the picnic tent: Everyone is checking their raffle tickets as Dave Millis calls out the winning numbers.
WGCMC President prepares to crack a geode. Note the two youngsters trying to put one back together again!
Yep, we all took barrel train rides. Eva Jane is taking us into those yonder cornfields. Yes, that is our distinguished treasurer in the barrel ahead of me.
Returning from my barrel ride, I found Dave Millis instructing Gary Thomas on how to cut his geode.
Inside the barn, and from top to botton, Gary Thomas, Sue Hoch, and Sandy Wirth are constructing wooden screens.