Those of you who are studious readers of this esteemed blog may recall I wrote an article for the entitled “My 2020 Vision”. The theme revolved around the word “more”. I planned to do more collecting, more giving, more writing, more research, and to have more fun with club activities. It appears I overlooked something when I scripted my vision. I did not foresee a global pandemic and all its ramifications. As a result, I have only achieved 40% efficiency. Yes, to more research (I think) and certainly yes to more writing, but the opportunities to collect and give rocks away and to have fun during club events sort of evaporated. The entire season of spring passed us by without a single club event.
OK, so the pandemic and the rules of social distancing closed some doors (slammed them you might say), but we can always find other doors to open. I was taught, at home, at school, and at work, to work on things within my control and not to worry about those I could not control. I cannot control a pandemic or the guidelines and rules set or recommended by those with such authority. But I could and can control my own health to an extent and perhaps prepare myself should the darn virus somehow find me. I decided to walk.
I’ve walked in all directions from my home and learned of some very nice trails that I did not know existed. Until the end of May, Oak Hill Country Club’s East Course was closed for golfing and they graciously allowed trespass for non-members seeking exercise. I watched all the oak trees bud and the azaleas blossom. I walked both ways on the Erie Canal from Pittsford and saw its water level climb in April.

As encouragement, I tracked my steps and miles on the Health App of my phone. April went well (15,607 steps/day); May went even better (22,711 steps/day or almost 9 miles per day). And then came June. I was not sure I could keep the trend going, but I did (26,256 steps/day, or over 370 total miles). That’s more than walking to Ace of Diamonds and back.
This did not all come without some discomfort. After all, I did become Medicare-eligible this spring and the body wasn’t always aligned with my new Vision. There was a shin splint in early May, an off and on sore lower back, and a sore right knee for a week in June. But I persisted. On the plus side, there are 25 pounds less of me now than there were in March when it all started. That cannot be bad.
It is not my Vision to increase the step totals again in July. It will be hotter and it is time for my body to recover. It is also time to collect again, but that is another story, perhaps for next month?