I have written about Green’s Landing east of Canandaigua Lake after each of my summer visits the past 4 years. This time I will keep the words to a minimum and illustrate a wonderful joint trip with mostly pictures.
On August 7th, Stephen Mayer led ten WCGMC members and a like number from the Rochester Academy of Science Fossil Section on our annual fossil hunt in Green’s Landing south of Canandaigua. The site is on private property, but the owner graciously allows us access one day each year.
We were blessed by a wonderful low temperature, low humidity day and were not disappointed by the fossil finds. A record four species of trilobites were uncovered. Eldredgeops rana, Monodechenella macrocephela, Dipluera dekayi, and Bellacartwrightia phyllocaudata were all found in either the Jaycox member of the Ludlowville Formation or the lowermost Deep Run Member of the Moscow Formation.

Mr Haynes, I really enjoy reading your NY State Fossil posts. I have a question about reading the stratigraphy in a privately owned creek on the west side of Canadaigua Lake. I would appreciate it if you could contact me at the email address below. Thank you!