Just off Rte. 3 near Pitcairn, NY, the Rose Road Hill site is a skarn location with multiple collecting sites and a very diverse set of minerals. Rose Road site in Pitcairn, NY
I plan to post pictures of diopside, albite, wollastonite, scapolite (which is flourescent), titanite, and blue calcite from the location when I get better at using this medium. Check later dates with similar title for more.
But for now, here is an interesting and unique occurrence from Rose Road Hill.
Copper “fulgurites” found on the satellite tower pad atop Rose Hill.
A cluster of this material was found one of the steel fenceposts that surround the radio/satellite facility. Up the post was a destroyed clump of copper wire and the post had been recently repainted. All evidence of a lightning strike. The strike melted the copper, remobilizing it to the ground where it annealed to the marble stones that comprise the pad. The larger piece is 3″ wide and 3″ tall. The smallest qualifies as a thumbnail mineral specimen, not exceeding one inch.

This is a fee site with collecting on the private property. Richard LaPlatney, who lives on he property charges $5 per person and collecting is not allowed during some hunting season dates.