Rose Road, Pitcairn, NY

Visited this site twice in April of 2014.  The original diggings at the Green Diopside Mound (above) are more visible before the leaves come out.

1) With Dick Phillips.  On this visit  I collected some nice scapolite crystals (1-2″ and fully formed), may add pictures once I get them cleaned.   It was hunting season for blue calcite.   The carbonate boulder never stood a chance.   Our gardens now have new blue calcite.

Dick Phillips at Rose Road

2)  Motivated by the recent Rochester Mineralogy Symposium Van King and I trudged up to Rose Road in very late April.   More scapolite was collected and some fairly decent purple and green diopside.  Again, I need to do some mineral photography and update this post.

rose road vanVan King collecting scapolite in the vein above the purple diopside mound.

For more about this location, see:

Chamberlain, S. C., and Robinson, G. W., 2013,  Rose Road Wollastonite Occurrence near Pitcairn, in The Collector’s Guide to the Minerals of New York State, Schiffer books, p. 46-49.

Haynes, F. M., 2013,  Rose Road, Pitcairn, NY:  A Hot Spot for Collectors in 2013,  Wayne County Gem and Mineral Club Newsletter, December, 2013, p. 4-5

Walter, M. R., 2007, Field Collecting Minerals in the Empire State, Chapter 6. Pitcairn, p 84-107.

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